Thursday, September 3, 2020

Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson and his family recover from COVID-19

Recovered from the coronavirus: Dwayne Johnson, his wife Lauren and one of their daughters.

Big, muscular Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson admits that his fight against the coronavirus was one of the most difficult challenges in his life.

The popular actor said although he's won a fight against Covid-19, the fight against the virus was as difficult, even for a man of his physical stature, a former professional wrestler and football player.

Besides himself, his wife and his two daughers, ages 4 and 2, contracted the coronavirus also. He reports that everyone in his family are getting better.

"I can tell you that this has been one of the most challenging and difficult things we have ever had to endure as a family," said the Samoan American action star in an Instagram posting. "And for me personally, too, as well, and I've gone through some doozies in the past."

“We’re all counting our blessings because we’re well aware that it isn’t always the case that you get on the other end of COVID-19 stronger and healthier," Johnson said. "...Some of my best friends lost their parents, their loved ones, to this virus that is so incredibly relentless and unforgiving, and it is insidious.”

"Having your friends over, having your family members over, your loved ones, of course, you want that because you want that connection and you want to be with the people who you love and care about" and have a good time with, he said. "My takeaway here isn’t necessarily keep them away, I’m not saying that, but what I am saying now is apply an even greater discipline to having people over to your house."

He suspects his family caught the virus from friends who were asymptomatic -- that is they carried the virus without showing any symptoms.

He told his legions of fans, "Wear your mask. It is a fact, and it is the right thing to do, and it's the responsible thing to do."

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