Monday, January 20, 2020

MLK fought for a 'guaranteed income' in 1968 - Andrew Yang is fighting for the Freedom Dividend in 2020

Let me begin by saying that I am not a shill. I do not work for the Andrew Yang campaign. In fact I've stated numerous times that I most likely, I would not be voting for Yang in this primary.

However, I came across this very effective video put forth by the Yang campaign. The timeliness of it on Martin Luther King Jr. Day and the Yang campaign surprising campaign is why -- with my editor's hat on -- I thought it would be interesting to share.

King advocated for a Universal Basic Income and advocated for a guaranteed income.

"I am now convinced that the simplest approach will prove to be the most effective — the solution to poverty is to abolish it directly by a now widely discussed measure: the guaranteed income," King wrote in his 1967 book, 'Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community?'"

Yang's Freedom Dividend  -- $1000 a month for every adult over 18, rich or poor -- is his version of the UBI and is his most compelling plank on his platform. 

"Thomas Paine was for it at our founding, called it the citizen’s dividend. Martin Luther King, champion in the ‘60s, called it a guaranteed minimum income for all Americans, and it is what he was fighting for on the day he was killed in 1968," Yang told Iowa voters on Sept. 21. "A thousand economists endorsed it. It passed the U.S. House of Representatives twice in 1971."

Yang asserts that the UBI would be paid for by making those corporate entitties and individuals who at present avoid paying any taxes to pay their fair share along with the savings that would incur from certain government assistance programs like food stamps or housing assistance.

I haven't seen the actual numbers to see if Yang's claim can be verified. 

The Freedom Dividdend is not an original proposal and not as radical as some of Yang's critics claim.

It's MLK Day and keeping with the intended purpose of this blog, Views From the Edge, here's your Asian American angle.

Again, I cannot say this enough: by posting this video, I'm not endorsing Andrew Yang for president.

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