Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson: 90 seconds to register to vote

DWAYNE "THE ROCK" JOHNSON is perhaps the most visible Pacific Islander American in the country so he's is joining the ranks of celebrities that are encouraging people—especially young ones—to go out and vote.

The Rock, took a break from filming Jumanji in Hawaii and enlisted his production team at Seven Bucks Production to create a song that explains why registering to vote takes no time at all (which is why everyone should do it). "Did you know it takes approximately a minute and 34 seconds to register to vote? Ninety-four seconds to register to vote," The Rock says to the camera.

The AAPI community is the worse demographic in getting eligible voters to go to the polls. During this cycle, numerous community-based organizations have launched registration drives, developed video PSA's, created multi-lingual literature to get out the voters.

There are more immigrants coming from across the Pacific than from South of the Border and a recent Pew study shows that Asians are expected to surpass Latinos as the largest immigrant group in the U.S.

Speaking before the Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies earlier this year, Obama cited the need for a better representation of AAPI in the political process. "The AAPI community is the fastest-growing minority in America, but it’s still ..." and here he was interrupted with applause ... "well, that's good to cheer about, but it's still significantly underrepresented at the ballot box.  In 2012, just 56 percent of eligible AAPI voters were registered to vote. And fewer than half of those registered actually voted. So if you’re upset with America’s immigration policy, but you’re not voting -- that has to change."

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