Thursday, May 30, 2024

NY Times launches series on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

Despite being in the US for centuries, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders are nearly invisible in US society.

In a recent study, more than half of all Americans found it difficult naming a single prominent AAPI figure even though Vice President KamalaHarris is Inidan American, multiple Grammy winner Olivia Rodrigo is Filipino American and AAPI are prominent in the fields of medicine, business, science and high tech. 

Part of the problem of the erasure or oversight in school books and a lack of inclusion and coverage in mainstream media, which paints a picture of the country everyday by decisions made by journalists on what stories and personalities to cover. The lack of a presence in the media contributes to that invisibility in American society.

The New York Times, one of the most prominent and influential mainstream news organizations in the country, announced Monday a new series th at examines the increasing creative output of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs) in popular culture.

“At The Asian American Foundation, we believe that the best way to fight anti-Asian hate is to create belonging and there is no better way to do that than through storytelling,” said Norman Chen, CEO of The Asian American Foundation, which conducted the sturdy. “This moment represents a departure from a long history of invisibility, stereotyping, and misrepresentation of our community. We look forward to The Times’s exploration of the influence of AAPI culture in our everyday lives.”

The project will include immersive articles that delve into the ways filmmakers, authors and other creators are depicting AAPI life. It will culminate with an event featuring prominent artists exploring the ways in which they are infusing stories about their experience into American pop culture.

Asian Americans are the fastest growing demographic in the US, with nearly 25 million Americans with heritage that connects to more than 20 countries throughout East Asia, Southeast Asia and the subcontinent of India. Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders are the third fastest growing group in the US.

The new project also shows the long road the New York Times has traveled since its 2016 video "Conversations on Race," which surveyed members of the Asian American community. The newspaper came under strong criticism for focusing on East Asains, skipping over Stouth and Southeast Asians..

Veronica Chambers, an award-winning editor, will oversee the 2024 project. Her team are focused on producing series that demonstrate how moments in history impact modern society. Other work includes a series that excavates the Harlem Renaissance, an examination of love and money with the Modern Love team, and a series based on images uncovered in The Times’s photo archives.

This series will draw on talent across the newsroom, including Miya Lee, editor of Modern Love projects at The NY Times. Lee’s work builds on the experience she gained from helping to turn a 20-year-old print column into a compelling digital and multimedia brand. Outside of Modern Love, Lee has written articles about elements of Asian American and Pacific Islander culture.

“I’m thrilled to work on this series that examines this significant moment in American popular culture, when an increasing number of AAPI filmmakers, comedians, authors and others are breaking through and reaching wide audiences,” Lee said.

The first piece of the series, “Found in Translation: Asian Languages Onscreen,” is focused on the use of Asian languages in American movies and TV. The story features an innovative visual design by Alice Fang, a New York Times graphics editor.

This Times series is funded through a grant from The Asian American Foundation a nonprofit founded to serve the Asian American and Pacific Islander community in their pursuit of belonging and prosperity that is free from discrimination, slander and violence.

“Our team at The New York Times is dedicated to telling richly layered, visually vibrant pieces, leaning into innovative story formats. We’re excited to explore how Asian American and Pacific Islander artists are crafting new American narratives through music, food, literature, film and television,” said Chambers.

EDITOR'S NOTE: For additional commentary, news and views from an AANHPI perspective, follow me on Threads, on or at the blog Views From the Edge.

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