Thursday, May 23, 2024

AANHPI nonprofits not getting their share of philantropic giving

While AANHPI Heritage Month focuses on the  heritage, history and contributions of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders, agencies erving tthose  communities are not getting the financial support from philantropic organizations.

Despite making up 7% of the U.S. population, AAPI organizations receive less than 0.2% of philanthropic giving from foundations and less than 1% of corporate giving, according to The Asian American Foundation. With charitable donations and philanthropic giving combined making up a nearly $500 billion industry, AAPI advocates and leaders say their communities remain underfunded and under-resourced.

“Philanthropy plays a key role in providing support and resources to the countless mission-driven organizations and groups doing incredible work across our country,” said Fontane Lo, deputy director of AAPI Data.

Give In May is an annual online fundraising campaign during Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Heritage Month.

Give In May aims to increase both awareness and investment in nonprofit organizations across the country who are dedicated to addressing the needs of AAPI communities. This year’s Give In May campaign features 200+ nonprofit organizations that serve 25 states and nearly 100 cities. 

Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders In Philantropy released a report, is proud to release Seeking to Soar: Foundation Funding for Asian American and Pacific Islander Communitie that confirms the lack of funding given to AANHPI organizations.

The AAPIP report finds that foundation funding designated for Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities only accounts for 0.20 percent of all U.S. grantmaking. This mirrors findings from AAPIP's 1992 report — from three decades ago — Invisible and in Need: Philanthropic Giving to Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. As AAPI communities seek to soar and reach new heights, they continue to be hamstrung by an alarmingly low level of philanthropic investment.

The AAPIP report notes:
  • While the AAPI population in the United States more than doubled in size, foundation funding for AAPI communities flatlined, totaling a mere $174 million in 2018 – even when overall philanthropic giving was rising.
  • Put differently, for every $100 awarded by foundations for work in the United States, only 20 cents is designated for AAPI communities.
  • As a percentage of overall grantmaking, funding designated specifically for AAPI communities has declined since peaking at 0.60 percent in 2002 and 2009.
  • The funding is also heavily concentrated among a handful of foundations. The top five funders accounted for nearly 40 percent of all philanthropic support for AAPI communities. This creates instability where any shift can topple that lifeline
Give In May is hosted by Asian Pacific Community Fund, a philanthropic organization dedicated to serving the AANHPI community throughout Southern California, and AAPI Data, a leading national research and policy organization — with support from The Asian American Foundation.

Meanwhile, while philantropic orgazations appear to overlook AANHPI nonprofit agencies, a separate report from the Pew Research Center found that almost half of Asian Americans give measurable donations to US charities.

“At Asian Pacific Community Fund, we cultivate philanthropy and centralize giving power to invest in the AAPI community. During Give In May this AAPI Heritage Month, we invite everyone to empower AAPI nonprofits to continue supporting our community through the power of giving,” said Chun-Yen Chen, executive director of Asian Pacific Community Fund.
FYI: Visit to learn more about the organizations participating in the campaign and donate to their causes during the month of May.
Give In May is a national online giving campaign to support nonprofits dedicated to addressing the needs of the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community. The purpose of the month-long campaign is to raise awareness about issues AAPIs face which are often unseen. It is held in May in recognition of AAPI Heritage Month.

28+ AANHPI Populations & Ethnic Groups Served include:
Bangladeshi, Bhutanese, Burmese, Cambodian, Chinese, Fijian, Filipino, Hawaiian, Himalayan, Hmong, Indian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Laotian, Malaysian, Maldivian, Mongolian, Nepalese, Pacific Islander, Pakistani, Samoan, Taiwanese, Thai, Tibetan, Uyghur, Tongan, Vietnamese, among others

There are 19+ Issue Areas and Causes including:
Anti-Hate & Anti-Racism, Arts & Culture, Civic Engagement, Developmental Disabilities, Domestic Violence, Education Access, Environment & Environmental Justice, Elderly Assistance, Food Security, Health & Well-Being, Housing, Immigration, Labor & Workforce Development, Legal Assistance, LGBT Services & Advocacy, Poverty & Safety Net, Research & Analysis, Women & Girls, Youth Development, among others

“Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander organizations achieve incredible feats under such limited constraints — now envision what a world would look like if our communities were invested in adequatly," added Lo.

"Give In May plays an important role in changing that narrative — and reality — by raising awareness and investment to our communities’ needs at a critical time.”

EDITOR'S NOTE: For additional commentary, news and views from an AANHPI perspective, follow me on Threads, on or at the blog Views From the Edge.

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