Saturday, January 26, 2019

Olympic hero Nathan Adrian fighting testicular cancer

Olympic champion Nathan Adrian.

OLYMPIC GOLD MEDAL winner Nathan Adrian revealed Thursday (Jan. 24) that he had been diagnosed with tssticular cancer.

Adrian, who has won five gold medals in swimming over three Olympic Games, told about  his diagnosis via Twitter and Instagram.

The 30-year old swimmer said he made his cancer public so he could share his health journey with the public “to help break the stigma of discussing men’s health issues.”

"Life, like swimming the 100 free, can come at you hard and fast as you can’t always see who, or what, may be chasing you down. Recently, I went to the doctor as something didn’t seem quite right," he wrote on his website.

"After a few tests and visits with a specialist, I unfortunately learned that I have Testicular Cancer. On the bright side, we caught it early, I have already started treatment and the prognosis is good. I will be back in the water in a few short weeks with my sights fully set on Tokyo! ... I am scheduled for surgery early next week and will provide an update soon. Thanks #menshealth#testicularcancer #standuptocancer," he wrote.

Adrian earned his degree in public health from the University of California, Berkeley, where he helped Cal win several national championships.

The Chinese American, who was born in Hong Kong, won his first Gold Medal in 2008 as a member of the 4x100 freestyle relay team led by legendary Michael Phelps. He repeated his feat in 2012 and 2016, where he also won the gold in the 100-meter freestyle.

Adrian, a Bay Area resident, confirmed the cancer diagnosis won't stop him for training for the 2020 Summer Olympics, which will be held in Tokyo.

However, he is uncertain about whether or not he will compete in the 2019 World Championships this summer in South Korea.

“I’ve realized that too often we tend to avoid these important topics, ignore the potential warning signs, and put off getting the medical help that we may need,” he wrote in his Instagram posting. “As I told my family, I’ll be putting my public health degree to work a little sooner than I planned! But in all seriousness, I am keeping a positive attitude as cases such as mine are curable.”

Nathan Adrian is visited by his mother Cecilia Adrian in the hospital.


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